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theprof00 said:
A203D said:

Hate to be the person who brings up the obvious, but are you sure its not the disc, is it scratched or something?? imo opinion it looks like the tv isnt recieving the signal properly. but obviosuly i dont know that, i would try different wires, different settings, maybe a different tv, before coming to this overheating conclusion.

it's an e74 error. This is exactly the type of artifacts that appear when the gpu is dying or faulty.

And did you read my post above? He looks like a hardcore gamer, not the type to fuck up a console just to burn MS over the internet. You'd have to ignore the setup he has in his room to consider that he might have had a loose wire. That kind of person doesn't look like someone who doesn't check their equipment first.

Unless he's just a huge troll with something to gain...I don't know why he would buy 4 360s and THEN make this video.

That's funny, when I had an e74 error, I got 2 red rings and had to send my console in. I never got any graphic abnormalities until my console froze.

Next thing Sherlock, you are jumping to a lot of conclusions here. He has several new Xbox 360s and went to E3 so you assume he's a fan. I would assume he's a journalist, or a related member. Just as valid. That would also mean he might not pay for his own consoles, and since you hear Japanese perhaps that means he's a Sony fan.

Huge leaps of logic like yours and mine prove nothing. While I admire your attempt, anecdotal experiences prove nothing, and nothing in that video indicates a "e74 error" that sounds like something you picked up off the youtube comments. I've had to deal with warranty issues with that error before, and on the old 360s, it comes in many forms and can mean many things. It certainly isn't necessarily associated with graphics abnormalities.

To top it all off, the console is still playing. It isn't freezing, so how do you speculate this is indicative of emminant failure?

A few things:

1. He never turns the console off and turns it back on.

2. He never tries another console on the TV to see if it's doing the same thing.

3. Didn't try to change the cable out..

4. Didn't even turn the channel to see if it is related to the TV and not the 360.

We can't many any decisions with information like this, it's bullshit, and you(and the guy) guessing it's heat, it ultra bullshit, because it's an attempt at stigmitization, and you are also defending your clueless guessing and spreading it around as fact.


Let's examine e74:

The E74 Error

Officially, Microsoft calls E74 a "general hardware failure" although it seems to be a video error. In some cases, the cause is reported to be a bad video cable while others blame the HANA video scaler chip. We will be covering a wide range of relatively quick fixes for the E74 error on your Xbox 360. The cause of the E74 error and solutions to it are discussed in the guide. error? Just like everyone here guessed? General hardware failue? Looks like that is not necessarily related to heat.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.