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axumblade said:
Darc Requiem said:
axumblade said:
Darc Requiem said:
axumblade said:
Darc Requiem said:

Okay I have question, maybe someone answered it earlier in the thread but I didn't see it. Isn't her favorite game Ratchet & Clank? If so that makes her a huge hypocrite. R&C's art style has remained the same through out the entire series.

She basically said last year that Ratchet & Clank:ACiT was the best platformer in a long time.

The graphical advancements of the Ratchet & Clank franchise is great. In fact, I would go ahead and refer to the most recent R&C game as pixarlike quality (if not all of the PS3 versions of the series). The story had both happy and sad elements, which led to the game being very much story driven. The gameplay was varied and they completely changed the mechanic to Clank levels from previous games. Of course I'm sure that most people on here who are blasting the series haven't touched the game since the PS2 (if even then). That or they are just talking shit because of Morgan Webb and her "hypocrisy." Which I find stupid due to the fact that people don't seem to understand platformers are just like any other genre.

If people like Call of Duty, that does not mean they will like Battlefield. If people like God of War, that does not guarantee they will like Bayonetta. If people like Oblivion, it doesn't mean they'll like Fable. If people like Star Ocean, that doesn't mean they'll like Final Fantasy. Again, I repeat, it's about OPINION. e.e

Did watch her criticisms of SMG2? It was entirely about the cartoony graphical style. That's what makes her a hypocrite. You seem to have completely missed my point. R&C is a cartoony game. If she had been complaining about SMG2's gameplay and not it's graphical style then you'd have a point. For example,  if I said I don't like Tekken 6 because it's a one on one fighter but listed another one on one fighter Super Street Fighter IV as my favorite fighting game I'd be hypocrite. That's essentially what she did.

If you want to get technical everybody is a hypocrite to a degree. e.e That word is probably the most hypocritical insult for anybody to use. I know I am a hypocrite and I am fine with that. People in general make statements that don't always remain true. I'm sure 14 years ago when she played Super Mario 64, she felt that the series would never get old to her. Just as I'm sure that 10 years ago, I thought that no racing game would ever be able to touch the fun factor of Diddy Kong Racing. I know people who swore by Sonic when they were kids who now can't stand Sonic anymore. The "boycott" bullshit is a prime example of how . Do you realize how many people on this forum have "boycotted" EA, Activision, Square-Enix or Ubisoft only to end up buying the game in the end?

I think you missed my point too. I agree that Ratchet & Clank is cartoony (which is why I compared them to Pixar, because while things look real, they are still technically "cartoony.").  But the thing about it is, Ratchet & Clank does not look like Super Mario Galaxy. It is cartoony but it's got a different style and feel to the game then Super Mario Galaxy and that's the point I'm making.

Again, I'm blaming most of this on the dumb way she spoke her opinion (I guess she should stick to the scripts instead of doing live broadcasts). But she could have easily said it without sounding like an idiot and made a valid point about how she feels that the game could have advanced more visually (again. I haven't played SMG2 but I'm trying to translate what she's trying and failing so miserably to say).

I didn't miss your point. I just didn't think you had one to be honest. Your last paragraph in your initial response to me, bolded, showed that you completely missed my point. If Morgan Webb had went into a diatribe about how she didn't like the gameplay in SMG2 and how she preferred R&C gameplay it would be different. Her entire argument was based on the game being cartoony, thus the point you were making didn't apply. 

I agree with the first sentence of your most recent post, but in general you are looking for detail in her opinion that she didn't give frankly. She did the forum equivalent of trolling. She gave an opinion and didn't give any supporting statements as to how she formed that opinion. She just keep saying it's was too cartoony for me and not 3D enough. The rest of the panel whether you agreed with their views or not went to detail about why they thought what they did, good or bad, about SMG2. Morgan Webb kept repeating the same thing over and over again. 

My point was that her definition of cartoony is the way that Super Mario Galaxy looks is cartoony. So is Ratchet & Clank. She didn't ever say Ratchet & Clank wasn't cartoony. She just said that the cartoony aspects of Galaxy 2 is what killed the game for her. I don't see why it's too hard of a concept to grasp.

It's hard to grasp because you are inferring a viewpoint that she didn't express. She didn't give enough detail in the segment to come to the conclusion you are making. If she believes what you are stating she certainly didn't express that in the feedback segment.

"I can see why people like the game but I don't" "It's just too cartoony and not 3D enough" That was her whole argument. Everyone else made a general statement and then preceded to go into detail as to why they felt that way. She just keep parroting the same general statement.