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dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

It seems to me that you're utilizing a lot of 'rationalization'.  The truth is, there isn't much to rationalize. I didn't cherry pick any pictures, I quickly scanned for pictures that would show similar things if possible and I didn't scan very hard.  Games have drastically changed. (Especially ones that have stuck around from the N64/PS1 gen).   Does Super Mario 64 stand up graphically to Super Mario Galaxy on a technical sense? Hell no.   Does it look pretty damn similar though?  Sure it does. 

And what gameplay elements have had a 'huge overhaul' since Mario 64?  I mean the jumping mechanics are pretty much the same as far as I could tell.  Yeah they added the star pointer...but does that really classify as a 'huge overhaul'?


Gran Turismo is still driving.

Final Fantasy is still attacking.

Half-Life is still shooting.

Mario is still jumping.

Gameplay concepts have been radically changed in each game.

Also, you chose gameplay pictures from previous games and then contrasted them to pre-rendered photos. That is not a fair comparison.

Damn you stole what I was going to say.

But since Mario 64 the level design has changed a lot, the controls changed a lot, I simply couldn't play SMS when I bought it after beating SMG cause the camera got on my nerves.  A lot of the creative platforming ideas especially in SMG2 outclass anything done in SM64, I really don't know what else you want from a pure platforming game, RPG elements to upgrade Marios jump?  

Genres don't really change from generation to generation, the ideas going into them do, and having plaetoids where you basically platform in any direction that can screw with your sense of direction and perception is one hell of a leap from SM64 and SMS

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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