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Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
KylieDog said:

Yeah, lets insult her and make like she is immature by calling her names.


She makes good points, she blatently says "I'm too old for it".  Some people grow out of cartoonish and kiddy looking things and want more from games.  She is one of them.  She didn't knock the gameplay only the presentation.

The implied correlation between maturity and a dislike of "kiddy looking things" is both fallacious and condescending.

There is a great quote... by some famous author.

It goes something like

"When I was a teeneager I secretly read fairytales without people seeing me to pretend I was more mature, and when I was older, I read them in the open because I was mature enough to not care what people think."

The above quotes encompass every reason why I get irritated at comments like hers.

Problem being she did these rants before with SMG just replace cartoony with too kiddy and she went on and ON about it.

Fact is the whole switching from "too kiddy" to "too cartoony" hurts her argument when her favorite game series is Ratchet and Clank all of which are very cartoony and take pride in that fact, you even have segments of cartoon style slapstick in the cutscenes, the only time they tried to take it serious was that whole "dark and brooding" phase that happened last gen where we got things like Jak 2, PoP Warrior Within, and Ratchet Deadlocked, even the reviews on the back of Tools of Destruction called it a Pixar Film and they specialize in CG cartoons...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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