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If all they did was slap Zelda on to the title, then it would be horrible. People would be outraged. The graphics look nothing like Zelda, Link is not supposed to be customizable, and it wouldn't feel anything like Zelda games we've played in the past. I haven't played this yet (don't have a PS3), but I've seen videos, and it looks a lot like Zelda. I think it would have gotten better sales if it was a Zelda game. The thing is, most all Zelda games have been very similar, and Dot Game Heroes would take the series totally off course, for better or for worse. Some people might like it, others might not. I think that may be the deal with the new Zelda Wii.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash