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Seece said:
I understand what Carl is saying, it's not fun waiting years for a game (although it'll come when it comes, no need to stamp your feet. some people need patience)

However carl, you claim you want this to come to 360, then you completely undermine it's sales potential on the 360

"just so a few people on another console can have it at the same time is simply being shit to a full userbase."

What does "full" userbase even mean?

SE will weigh up if it's worth it for them to go multi, whether Microsoft pays, or they think the extra version will make more money. Either way it's their choice, and the real FF fans will just wait (like darth)

you're not even actually waiting, just go about your daily life and play other games, does it really affect you getting it one year late ... if it does then .. wow.

Yeah that sounded harsher than what it was supposed to mean. Shouldn't really have said "few".

Full userbase was the PS3 userbase that would buy the game.

And i will wait. And rent it if i must. Doesn't make me any less of a fan of the series really. Just makes me less of a fan of SE.

And it wont really affect my life at all. Just annoy me for having to wait even longer.