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darthdevidem01 said:
Carl2291 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

mtlca66 must be a genius, he's one of the only ones that did.

I never put forward a point saying you didn't want it to be on xbox 360.

You said in your own words in your first post in this thread the following

If it isn't at E3 then i will be pretty much convinced that they have delayed it even further to make a 360 version.

If true, then fuck you, Square Enix. You just lost a buyer. Will turn straight into a rental, if that.

1. You made 2 faulty assumptions followed by an outlandish statement with hateful tones

Your first assumption saying this means they have delayed it for xbox 360 is UNFOUNDED, I have proof* otherwise saying there were other reasons for the delay all the way back from February:


 Your second assumption was acting like the delay would be MASSIVE. 

You have waited for this game for 4 YEARS thinking its exclusive, now any delay cause by xbox 360 shouldn't exceed the 4 years you have already waited, in fact any delay caused by the 360 version shouldn't exceed 1 year.

And why aren't you answering my question, if you didn't know date specifics why did you make the first post you made in this thread?

Yes you did.

Fair enough, that point was proven wrong. If it isn't at E3 it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be because of a 360 port. But the fact remains that if they DO make a 360 version, it will delay the release of the game. It's not like a 360 version would be made with a click of the finger.

And it's likely that the delay would still be... As you said. A delay. We don't know how long the delay would be, but it is STILL a delay. It would probably be a few months. Can i prove it? No. I don't need to. It's common sense. It took 15 weeks for 2 PS2 games to be ported to the PS3. That's close enough to 4 Months. For a couple of PS2 games. Nevermind a full HD Final Fantasy game to be ported!!

And you really want an answer to that stupid question? Fine.

If the PS3 version was to release here in January. I would buy it. If it was made Multiplat, and was to release in December. I would rent it. Happy?

1. Yes I should have said delay on that point, but I am 52% right there still.

We waited 4 YEARS thinking it was exclusive, 4 and a half if multiplat is announced around TGS

So what does a few more months of delay make a difference after waiting for 4 years, why does this "few months" turn the game from a Buy to a Rent....I mean this isn't a war.

All I know is if I waited for a game for 4.5 years & then found out it was delayed for another console and that the delay would last a few months (or heck even 12 months), I would still be JUST as hyped (providing good trailers released) & I'd still buy it.

Thank you for answering the intelligent question, so your threshold is 12 months then, even though you might get a christmas bonus in December.

What if it released in November?

Its highly unlikely it will be delayed by 12 months due to xbox 360 & its unlikely its even going to xbox 360 in the first place, this is gonna be like the MGS4 scenario, several sources say they think it might happen but it never does.

A few months in the grand scale of life isn't much. Not much at all really. But the point still stands. I shouldn't have to wait EVEN LONGER for the game. Why should i do them a good deed and buy there game at full price, if they want to screw me over and make me wait longer?

And that's you. You obviously don't mind having to wait for the game even longer. I do. And i can assure you i wont be the only one bothered by it. Opinions vary.

I never said 12 Months specifically. I was just showing you how stupid the question was. It could be twisted to go in my favour OR your favour. Would it still be a rental if it was released in November instead? Yes. Definately. But as we cannot prove the differences in release dates then it's a question that simply can't be answered properly.