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How to define RPG's is really a pain, but to me, RPG's are about strictly role playing.

The character progression through experience is not an RPG element in itself, but a means to achieve character progression. Other means could be getting stronger items the more you play or getting stronger spells and so-on so-on.

I would define most JRPG games as adventure games with RPG influences, kinda like how Zelda and Monster Hunter games are action games with RPG influences. Since you get to make your own character and do what you want in MH games, I'd say they are more RPGish than Final Fantasy games.

A pure RPG would be the good old pen and paper, or games like Fallout and Oblivion where you really get to do the actual role-playing that defines the genre.

To me, The Sims is a much more pure RPG than JRPGs and most WRPGs. It certainly has better role playing aspects than say Final Fantasy VII. Think about it, your characters progress as you control their lives, they buy things, they age, they get kids and so-on.