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PC Discussion - Fallout 3 - View Post

Andante said:

Hmm, I'm an "elitist PC" gamer... and I love fallout 3 on PC. You know why? Something very fundamental that every "elite PC" gamer appreciates, MODS MODS MODS and more MODS. is just awesome.

Right now I'm running a GNR mod that adds an extra 100 songs, a Wanderer's edition that completely overhauls the combat, a NPC mod that adds tons new monsters, and a weapon kit mod that lets me customize my guns. 

Its almost as if I'm playing a different game with these mods.

Why complain about not being able to kill children when you can DL a mod that can fix that... sad there is no nudity... well there is a mod for that too lol, etc.

I can't see how PC gamers can dislike fallout 3, one of the most moddable games that has ever come out recently.


However a fair warning. I'll sound a bit arrogant here, I consider myself quite intelligent and it did take me a while to get all those mods working together in unison, and my Fallout 3 isn't perfectly stable, it does crash once every maybe 2-3 hours. Its not bad, but it will require you to read lots of instructions to get everything working well. So yeah, its not a breeze to add mods like Mount and Blade, but its not too terrible.


Oh btw, am loving the wanderer's edition mod, it adds a sprint function that eats up AP, and it has a bullet time function that also uses AP, makes non vats combat a hell of alot more fun.


So yeah, you can't say you're a true PC gamer unless you appreciate the power of MODS. 

haha I probably use around 30 mods for the PC version and it took me 2 whole days to download, install and test them until I solved all crashing issues (too high rock texture was the main reason.....and some ini changes)

But I actually play the PC version only for shits and giggles. 360 version is the one I really play.