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I'm looking for the name of a game that probably came out about 10 years ago.

It's a mafia strategy game for the PC.

What I can remember about it:

You own plots of land on which you demolish the old buildings and build new ones for tenants who pay you rent. You can also build brothels and slaughter houses I think.

You build subways at the end of each road so your gangsters can travel around faster.

You start off with skinny gansters with pistols, but can purchase fat gansters with shotguns later on.

There are big enemies with chainsaws and paper bags over their heads who do spinning attacks and can destroy your buildings.

I remember it being quite fun back when I played it, but time and nostalgia may be impairing my senses, and the game could be utter tripe. Still I'd like to know the name of it if anyone could hazard a guess?