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rapsuperstar31 said:

Cohort Studios...who?

They're a Sony developer, a Sony developer that makes Buzz Junior, not even the original Buzz.  And they do outsourced work... so yeah...

Coming from the source I say take the interview with a grain of salt, they've got stakes in the PS3, they might not be first party but they've yet to make a game on another console, or anything outside of Buzz and a handful of outsourced (meaning jobs the big devs can't be bothered to do) games, so the likelyhood they even have any real experience making motion controlled games for PS3, Wii or otherwise is almost nil, so really it's just another useless interview from a developer to promote their horse in the race, they're just telling the internet gamers what they want to hear, who cares who it's coming from yeah?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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