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Mazty said:
aragod said:

Well this is where you fail, no serious and good player visits SC2 beta forums for anything else than technical support thread for when BNet is down. All you can see on beta forums are WoW noobs crying because they are getting their ass handed to them. E.G. Zerg is the strongest race in Korea and that's where it matters, profi players are playing tournaments and don't whine, from their replays most of the high level balancing is beeing made.

I'm not going down to some silly beatdown with facts and while masses can be clueless, there is enough of depth in SC community to make up for it. If you've ever tryied SCII you would understand that Blizzard managed to replicate the feeling from SCI. With it's gameplay, style, charms and all that makes legendary games. Give it a try, you won't look back on SupCom ever again.

And so why is Starcraft II so much better than Sup Com...?

Charms = nostalgia, so don't try to sugar coat it as if charm is a good thing. And which part of "I HAVE PLAYED THE BETA" did you not understand? I was an avid player of Starcraft I and Brood War but RTS' has evolved far beyond the first, with the likes of Total Annihilation (Sup Com the sequel in everything but name), Dawn of War, Company of Heroes etc.

If Starcraft II is so good, then why does everyone play it on the fastest setting? Little broken that, and it's still painfully slow when compared to the last decade of RTS innovation. Not to mention the utter sheer lack of tactics, which is either spam men, or speed tech to the best unit and spam that. Think those tactics should have died in Red Alert with Mammoth Tanks, no?

You are so clueless it hurts, with your so called tactic you might get raped even in copper league. With that comment you are just a troll, saying that SCII is lacking tactics is utter bullshit and proof of your lack of knowledge. If you still have the beta, I'll gladly school you like a little girl with the same race with dozens of different tactics. The beta is out for just a little, yet people have already come out with some really great and impressive tactics, not including "cheese".

SCII is beeing played on fastest setting, because that's the way SC works, and you for sure know that since you were so avid player of SC and BW. The point of SC and SCII is in general fast multitasking in macro and micro management, while trying to adapt to the conditions that were given to you. It's like playing chess with 10 seconds per move. It's super hard, it's super challanging and it's super fun. I can't think of better example why something is better than something else rather than pointing to the fact that it's both criticaly acclaimed and alive and well. Which games are legendary? Those that have either changed the way you look given genre or those that are extremly popular even years after their release. SC got both, SupCom have none.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising