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IvorEvilen said:
I'm not going to defend the actual battle system... well drawing was cool... but the junction system was great. As for the question as to how a beginner can use a GF, the game seemed to explain that the GFs were willing to side with humans they thought were tough enough, and considering that Garden students are skilled fighters, I don't see how this is unrealistic in the FFVIII world.

As for the other details involving equipping magic and such... why does magic have a point system that recovers after going to an inn or using an item? What is magic, and who defines what it has to be? Magic doesn't have to fit some certain standard, otherwise that removes any and all possibilities for originality and unique ideas.

A lot of the arguments against FFVIII are based on very ridiculous and illogical attacks, and very few of them at that. They just don't warrant 0's and 3's. I can see if the game just failed to play and had no plot and characters with no personality that played for 80 hours with bashing "X" button and moving the directional keys on occasion.

About the GF thing. Ok fair enough, even the low ranked Garden students are powerful enough to convince a GF to follow them. Garden inhabitants are that awesome. I'll buy that.

But what's the point of having to junction the GF to a character just so that he can use items?

What if you, like most people in the FFVIII world don't have a GF? Then you couldn't use say cooking equipment to make food? This is where suspension of disbelief would break for most people.

As for magic. Of corse magic is defined differently in different stories, but usually, the point of a magic system is to be beliavable. The attack system in pokemon doesn't have mana, but it works really well despite of that, mostly because it seems logical, there's nothing overly abstract about it.

But in FFVIII, humans have this vampiric ability to draw magic from... well anything, even robots! And they can drain magic that their victims doesn't even use. Like I drained cures from this robot boss early in the game, but he never used cure! And the wasp like enemies never used the magic I drew from them!

Also, the magic that I draw is treated like items. Do the characters store small glowing balls of magic that they have drawn in their pockets? I want to know!

And how does the junctioning of magic to increase your stats work? Do your character have some of the glowing balls of drained magic in a special purse and this somehow makes him stronger?

Again, suspension of disbelief is broken.

The point of the classic mana system is that the mana is supposed to represent the inner spiritual energy of the heroes that they tap into to use magic. when you sleep, you rest and recover both mentally and physically, and in the case of mana, your inner energies recover too. Elegant, easy to grasp, and well thought out! It doesn't break your suspension of diesbelief, you are willing to believe it! PP in pokemon didn't really have an explanation, but you would only have to play for ten seconds to get that PP was there to prevent spamming of the most powerful moves, simple and to the point. What is the point of the FFVIII system?

Sorry if I ask too many questions, but that's what FFVIII does to me. It just fills my head with excrutiating questions that won't let me enjoy the game as long as they go unanswered.