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IvorEvilen said:


I think I rounded up a bit, but it deserves better than a 8.5. I really enjoyed this game, despite having played it after the awesomeness that is FFVII. I love the soundtrack, and while the characters are a mixed bag of good and bad, the overall cast is superior to most rpgs. The major issue with the game is that it is primarily a hack and slash, with a lot of potential... since you never want to use your best magic for fear of ruining your stats, although an awesome story, amazing junction system, and an unforgettable mini-game redeem the negatives of this game.

As for all the unrealistic scores of 0's and 3's, wouldn't you agree there is a difference between personal preference and just plain bad?

I personally don't like modern hack and slash games like Devil May Cry, but I would still give Bayonetta a high score if I were to rank it.

This game though, is in a genre that is relatively new to me, but has gotten my interrest. Hovever, the game is the very definition of plain bad.

Tell me, why can a low level SeeD candidate summon huge monsters?

Why do I have to junction said monsters to characters or they can't use items?

Wasn't the point of statistics in RPGs to just be a measurement of the experience and skills of the characters in an at least somewhat realistic way?

What is the point of all these weird statistics. Why are spells treated like items and junctioned to stats, what's the point other than to confuse everyone but the uber hard core? At least Tales of Symphonia's EXsphere system made some sense and was integrated into the plot.

And the most important question of all. Why won't anyone answer these questions? I've heard that the junction system allowed for much customization, but seriously, I have seen systems in games that have allowed plenty of customization without the kind of nonsense that is the junction system.

How could anyone defend FFVIII? Please tell me, I want to know. What is there to like in the gameplay part of it?