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FFVIII was one of the first JRPGs that I have ever played, and it left a really really bad impression on me.
Almost eveything in the game is completely abstract and and the structure of the game is utter nonsense.
Draw magic to boost weapons and stats?
Junction a huge monster (Call them GFs or Summons or Espers or whatever, I'm a noob to the FF series, so I just see them all as huge monsters) to your character because otherwise he/she can't use items.
Magic is drawn from enemies and there is no mana.
Seriously, did square enix even consider that SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF HAS A LIMIT!
I like the guardian force attacks though, they look nice, but they become tedious after using them a few times.
However, another thing that simply breaks the universe for me. How can a low level SeeD candidate be able to command a huge monster? More nonsense, that's why!
The music boosts the game with +2 points.

I have ordered an imported american copy of FFVI/FFIII. Perhaps that game will redeem my experience with FFVIII.