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*Note that I have just seen daedalus and am at the part of the giant scorpion but I assume im at least 70% , if not 80% done of the game as I have all the weapons.


As some of you may know (or dont) is that I absolutely hated Kratos post-GOW2 and for the most part he is exactly the same in GOW3 but ill leave kratos's broken character for another thread.


Now before I start, this game is a definite improvement over the second game . The pacing is far better than the second game and there is actually a story in this iteration but I still feel it carried over the style over substance principle that the second game had to a small degree but even saying that this game mop the floor in presentation with Bayonetta. The scale , the set pieces , the contest.


Dont need to say anything


I feel that Bayonetta wins in this regard because it just feels more fluid to play , when I started GOW3 and had my combos stripped in the river of styks , the game honestly felt frustrating to play until I got the Claws of Hades (which are 100x better than the blades of exile) but even after that it still didnt reach the level of fluidity Bayonetta gave me and even now with all the weapons it is still the same.


This is a no contest for Bayonetta , the combos are far deeper than GOW3 and each weapon in Bayonetta is unique......that is not something I can say for GOW3 because each weapon is basically a blades of exile with some twist , more speed (those thunder claws) , More Radial damage (Claws of hades) and power (Hercule's fists , but those are the only unique weapons in the game but also have a chain like feature).



No doubt that both these games are among the best in their genre but I believe that Bayonetta wins this one. It depends what you value more , gameplay or presentation because both these games excel at one of them and falter in the other (but in their own right , they are still amazing) and I value gameplay over presentation because I felt the WOW moments in Bayonetta were far more satifying for me than GOW 3 because it was apart of the gameplay rather than a cinematic.


Keep it civil guys......


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!