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which brings me to my next post. good thing I split these up and sorry for them being so long, but discussion is good. This is why you should generally focus on 1 person at a time, but right now I'm trying to figure out who to focus on.

out of final-fan, dsister, and SAK one of them could be human. With so many night immune claims, I can see why WoW would say the game isn't balanced. With 3 humans, and potentially 4 night kill immune roles, the humans would be doomed (luckily two non-voters offset the immunity). Anyways, Just going to post some thoughts on all 3 people, and see what you agree/disagree with. You can break it up for easier discussion by person. While all of them could be zombies, I think it is worth discussion the possibility of one of them being human, especially since we are sorta waiting for a replacement player.

I think we should test final-fan's ability. If anyone has a reason not to speak up soon, or else trucks or I should vote him and ask final-fan to clear the vote. This wouldn't absolutely prove he is human (WoW could have some really crazy roles, as already proven), however it would be good enough for me for today. As trucks noted, if he is human and can do such a powerful thing then he has to be the last human. As a side note, he refused to take his vote off of trangent, and him and falcon both wanted to vote him before I came in and started that whole thing. However, voting trangent was understandable, and I also didn't remove my vote at all. The vote order for trangent was - nordlead, final-fan, trucks, j0, SAK

SAK is interesting. He claimed he was awesome from the first post. He claims he has a golf cart that he can skip town in, but there is a "backfire". What intrigues me now, is that if there was a backfire what is it? He claims he was saying he was awesome so he would get targeted at night. If that was the case then he should have used his cart night 1. This would lead to his "backfire" happening, which we never saw. Again, he said he was awesome day 2 to get targeted night 2, so he would have used his cart, but again no public "backfire". Now, even if he assumed he would be safe night 1 and didn't use it, why didn't he use it night 2? He even claims he failed day 3 and that he wasn't awesome, which would mean he would have had to use his power or else he would die if he was truly trying to get targeted. He is the most likely to be human in my book, mostly because I have a lot of questions running around in my mind. Some other things like trying to lynch Falcon quickly, while hesitating to vote Mario also stick out. As I pointed out above, he put the lynch vote on trangent. so SAK, what is this backfire and why haven't we seen it?

DSister. While he can vote now, this doesn't really prove a lot. We should have pressured him into typing "Vote: mario" day 1. I mean, unless it says "you die if you vote" he should have been able to type it and WoW should have ignored it. I'm kicking myself for this, as now the fact that he can vote could just be a cover for a very elaborate scheme. Also, now that I think about it more, this is the person I should have used my lie detector ability on. He hasn't voted anyone (meaningful), so there is no vote history to use to judge him by, and there really isn't a lot to go on. Maybe Mario slipped up day one, and DSister said "oh crap, I can't vote for him" and made up that he can't vote. He then had quite a bit of time to create a believable role. I really don't know about Dsister, but I'm inclined to believe him.

Agree/Disagree with what I posted?

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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