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TruckOSaurus said:

Now, that the recap is done, let's go on to the dirty stuff. While I appreciate that nordlead proclaimed my zombieness, I'm still not 100% sure he is what he says he is.

nordlead said:

I'm smarter than the average zombie. I am essentially a lie detector. Last night I checked to see if trucks was indeed a zombie. It came back true, so unless we have some crazy role (like a human that appears as a zombie due to some crazy reason) I believe he is a zombie (no reason to believe otherwise).

Roleclaiming an investigative role (basically a cop since we all declared we were zombies at some point) when the only known protective role just died and all you've got is an innocent to report is just plain suicide. The only way I can explain nordlead's action is that he figured he was the next zombie to be night killed (which I think is a fair assessment) he that he should give us the info he had today.

I just wanted to bring that up so we don't automatically assume nordlead is a zombie. He could be a human using our lie detector talk on day one to mislead us to a mislynch.

you'll note, I was the first person to bring up the limited uses. I knew this without even having to reference WoW's post in the signup thread as it was stated right in my role. I am indeed what I say I am. I wanted to roleclaim yesterday to guarentee j0's protection, but didn't get the chance due to me waiting to see what falcon's vote would be and then everyone jumping onto tranget and lynching him.

Also, I might as well state that I only had 1 investigation. I know more than well enough that 1 single innocent claim isn't a good idea and instead to stay hidden, but it is the only thing I have to offer before dieing. I didn't want to post this as it may have caused the humans to lynch me tonight and therefore save others, but you and Final-fan keep on pressing the issue.

As I stated, I checked you out because you seemed most scummy. If I was a human (and if there were two humans) I could have accused you of being a human, we would have mislynched you, night killed another person, and there would be 2 humans vs. 2 zombies with an almost guarenteed human win. Me clearing you of being a human wouldn't help out the humans. However, what I typed doesn't exactly hold true if there is only 1 human as then it would be 1-3 (humans to zombies).

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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