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When I love a Series I love all games within that said series only on different levels in terms of the different elements of each game in the series. because of this I love all FF equally on different levels only ranking them when really needing to.

My first FF that I owned and and finished with over 150 hours of gameplay was FFX and it made me love the FF series so now I have played them all. FFXIII was made by the team that made FFX/FFX-2 so alot of elements are smaller to FFX/FFX-2.

The Battle System/Job System I see as evolved from of the Battle System/Job System found in FFX-2 and it is awesome most of the time but there are times when I would like to have the FFX-2 Battle system but still having the Optima Change system because I do prefer to have full control over all party members.

The lack of overworld is not mutch of a problem for me as I started with FFX with out one but I have played all the other FF games and many other JRPG that have them and they are cool but not essential but FFX had towns were you could tack time out to explore and talk to people and do side-quests and mini games and Luka was awesome I played a tone of Blitzball.

FFXIII had a action packed awesome opining but no FF opining is boring they are all awesome in there own way FFX opining was very action packed and when from awesome CG opining to action packed Gameplay like FFXIII did and so was FFVII had that action packed mission, FFVIII was slower but the opining was not any less fun with the dramatic CG fight scene it started with.

The Cast of FFXIII is awesome but for me the cast is not the best some characters are up there with my favorite in the series I loved Lightning as a character since 2006 Snow also the interaction between Lightning and Snow is very Anime. Vanira (Vanille) and Fang are awesome to sazh is cool and reminds me of barret and Hope is abit of the odd one out off the main characters but he dose become more likable towards the end of the game.

If FFXIII had the minigames and the town integration of FFX it would have been a almost perfect but the story and characters of FFX would still keep it my Number 1 FF game and FFVI, FFVII and FFVIII FFIX had some points that I liked more then some points in FFXIII but FFXIII because of the some of its parts despite the elements it lacks that the others have is my Number 2 game of the FF series.

Also FFXIII being on the XBOX 360 has help it sales wise to a point but about 60% off the 360 dales would have been PS3 sales most likely if it had remand exclusive to PS3 but being on two platforms dose not really help it to be a game though.

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