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@FightingGameGuy: So, which system is more efficient, the one with as high unemployment rate as possible or the one with no unemployment?
Or system, where only a niche can afford to acquire everything they want and a niche can't acquire everything they need or system where everyone can acquire everything they want?

Now, i don't understand your problem with supply and demand, why the goods with demand can't be produced? I think the supply chain would have an estimation about the demand by how well people acquire the stuff.
So, what if equilibrium price is doing your part for community, which is defined by how you are capable/willing to work?

Communism is economic model, which ideal is democracy. The point is, that money has no meaning inside the community and everyone would take care of each other. But, you should remember, that communism, just what it's name says, is intented for communes, not nations. When i'm talking here about communism, i'm talking about how it would ideally work.
If you live in a commune, you know everyone and even if you would be new in the commune, it wouldn't take long before you would be part of the community, being "we", in this case the people you know. These are the people you want to help and work for.
If you live in a country, you know only a fraction of it's population. Maybe the people you know are "we", but the rest is not, they are "them". So would you work for "them", when you don't even get a feedback from your work from "them"? Of course, they would work for you, but it's not something you would feel being anything concrete, everything would just be something without value to you, since you didn't have to work for it, but everything you had done would have high value to you, because you did actually do some work for it.

And in ideal capitalist society, everyone would work for the elite, with as small wages as people stay alive and they wouldn't have a choice, when the only key to success would be birth right. Which would eventually lead to money losing it's meaning and the system to crash. Which would lead thru anarchy to communism.

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