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It was pretty clear by the middle of last year it peaked about February 2008 - Feb 2009. That said, there is also no evidence of a rapid decline and Sony only sold 30m PS2s at more than $200, Nintendo sold 55m Wiis at $250.

In the USA, Wii has had one price drop in 40 months, while PS2 was nearing its third price cut...and Wii is still ahead by ~6m (a year at the rate PS2 was selling in the USA)

USA Pricing History Wii vs. PS2

Launch:  Wii - $249  / PS2 - $299

Cut 1:  Wii - $199 (Sept 2009 - Month 35)

            PS2 - $199 (May 2002 - Month 20)

Cut 2:  Wii - ?

            PS2 - $179 (May 2003 - Month 32)

Cut 3:  Wii - ?

            PS2 - $149 (May 2004 - Month 44)

Basically, because of how long Nintendo has managed to go without cutting price, the company can engage Sony / Microsoft in a nasty price war if necessary over the next year - two years. A 30 million base with every system sold at $200+ is historical for the USA market though, and it will happen in four to five months, tops.



People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu