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twesterm said:
Khuutra said:
twesterm said:

I really don't know what would make me happy.

Perhaps if they showed off more than just Kratos doing brutal things?

I don't have a problem with brutality in games but God of War just makes it seem to boring.

It's like if they showed Mario only jumping gaps, or Drake only platforming, or Master Chief only driving the warthog, or any other iconic character doing only one of their iconic things.

If I only see the same over and over and over and over again it just gets boring.  I don't know, does Kratos do anything else iconic?  Show me anything that makes me believe he's more than brutal and more brutal.

Like I've said, I don't really play God of War and these gifs, trailers, sigs, ect make me want to play it even less because I felt like I've already seen it all and I'm already bored of it.

Twesterm the more you talk about this the more it's clear that you're not familiar with the character and not really equipped to participate in the discussion you started

I've made it very clear I'm only going off of trailers, gifs, and random pics others have posted.  I know full and well actually I am completely ignorant on the game itself.

For every other iconic character they are more than just brutal, platformer, smooth talker, whatever in their trailers or advertisements.  Kratos is just brutal and the fact everyone shoves it in your face just makes him boring.


You are consistently admitting that you are not equipped to discuss this...and yet, you continue to discuss it.

Let's see what Kratos has done, other than kill things.

  • Climbed out of Hades a good three times.
  • Scaled Mount Olympus
  • Rewound time
  • Travelled to Elysium...then left.

And more.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective