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Miguel_Zorro said:
Snesboy said:
Miguel_Zorro said:
I can't argue with games like Uncharted 2 or Counterstrike. I haven't played a few of the others, but I know many of them have received widespread acclaim. I have played Fallout 3, and it's ok, but there's no way I'd rate it in the top 10 games of the decade. It's not even top 5 on the PS3 for me. I also didn't enjoy Super Mario Galaxy enough to rate it top 10. People just love Mario.

You thought Fallout 3 was okay? What about it didn't scream GotY to you?

Game of the year?  Lots of good games were released in 2008, even just on the PS3 - LittleBigPlanet, Valkyria Chronicles, Metal Gear Solid 4 - I also just bought GTA IV, which I've yet to play. 

Don't get me wrong - I think it's a good game.  But the glitches really got to me.  The game glitched in the scene where you take the GOAT, which was a ominous way to start. Maybe the 360 version was more polished (I don't know), but the PS3 version needed extra QA.

The graphics were unimpressive.  Not near the level of many of the best games of this generation.

The story was just ok.  Have you played Fallout 1 and 2?  How would you compare the story of those games to 3?  Did 3 break a lot of new ground?

I know that a lot of the people who like Fallout 3, like it a lot, and that's fine. I just think it's a little overhyped.

I'll admit, I'm only half-way through it - so there might be other aspects that I'll appreciate later, and I'm sure somebody will jump all over that, but instead I'll ask this - what about it did scream GOTY for you?

As primarily a Wii gamer, playing it on the PC and having all this freedom to do whatever I wanted was amazing.


I didn't pay attention to any previews of the game and just picked it up one day and started playing. I didn't play any of the previous Fallout titles so maybe that's why I liked it more than someone who had played the other games in the franchise.

The thing I liked most about the game was the atmosphere it created. When I play, it feels like I'm in some post apocalyptic Washington D.C. and not playing a videogame.