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the old football debate,ha

football(soccer) is my religion and it is a beautiful game watch a full nou camp take a team to pieces and you'll understand,

but i also watch american football and love baseball when they are on english tv,i also love test cricket when england are playing anyway,

there is no doubt that naz is right when he says gridiron is the most strategic/tactical sport,you cannot argue with that,it's unbelievable

@naz football is also a battle and very strategic there is alot of ground to cover,if you don't know what you are doing in football you will be destroyed by the opposition,

all team sports have tactics and strategy it's the nature of the beast and why we sports fans love them so much,i don't include rugby because it is the most boring sport in the world and i wouldn't watch it,if you paid me,sorry rugby fans,and that comes form someone who loves test cricket,lol,which i guess most people think is very boring

anyway i will be watching the superbowl tonight on the BBC with no adverts,what do you think about that americans,it's a real pleasure without adverts watching baseball and gridiron,don't think i could handle it with adverts all the time,which i assume you get,but then your used to it by now,

may the best team win on the day,good luck

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