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You know what I hate?
In games like Dragon Age (this title was ripe with this crap) where you know you're nearing a boss and you start deploying your characters tactically so you won't be slaughtered instantly. You observe and move about until you've found the perfect positions where everyone will do their task perfectly (archer semi covered behind some debris, tank right in the face of the first henchmen that will get it and the mage way back in a safe zone ready to unleash hell upon the archers).
What happens? A cutscene forces all your characters into a large blob smack dab in the middle of the enemy kill zone where your archer and mage will be minced meat in seconds and your tank is surrounded by morons with stunning attacks or stealth who can backstab.
A similar technique is a cutscene where you start rather far away and the boss walks towards you while he talks and the fight starts as he practically makes contact with your forehead with his fifty pound spiked club.
Another annoying way of increasing the difficulty is placing spawn points that spout new enemies until you move away from the area, simply clearing them out won't help, new ones are instantly there (the last two Call of Duty titles are very much guilty of this). I even saw a team of infantry appear out of thin air in World at War, dropping three feet from the air, landing in the mud right in front of me as I was crawling towards an enemy position as noiselessly as I could.

Cheap, cheap shots from some big developers makes me rage.