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You should try getting a small thermometer, and try placing it behind the PS3, and see how hot it gets. Mine is by the window, so, it's always cool, and it's on the small table next to the TV where the cable box used to sit... which is now on the floor.... I wouldn't dare put my PS3 on carpet, screw that..

I dunno, it's probably, you... doing something... how are you turning it off? Using the switch? Has your power gone out for some weird reason while you were playing, or had the PS3 on?. Maybe over-vacuuming it is the problem?

Think about it, when you vacuum, you're throwing particles into the air... Unless you've got one of those super vacuums that don't do that.... Just dust the thing off weekly with no vacuum, and, when you think you should vacuum, do it, but, I think that's where the problem is. Give it a rest, vacuum once a month... I never vacuum mine, I just give it a good dusting with a DAMP paper towel... the expensive kinda that's good for like 21 uses and feels like soft cloth.

Don't use windex, use water..... Again, you may be vacuuming too much. Look, get an air filter, and dust the top of the PS3 when you do your regular dusting, if you don't give it a chance to build up, there's no reason to vacuum anyway.