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Am I the only one who thinks that Nintendo has had to much Mario on the Wii? Mario is a great franchise overall but come on its kind of starting to get annoying. The 64 had 9 Mario games in America The G.C had 12 Mario games in America The Wii has 10 Mario games in America so far with 11 counting S.M.G.2 Sony,Microsoft, and Nintendo all said that this gen will be longer than in the past 2 gens. I am not saying that no more Mario games should be on Wii I am just saying no more in a while. If they do than I hope for Luigi's Mansion 2 because that doesn't have the same gameplay as the other platform Mario games. The only reason that Nintendo has less on Wii is because they don't make Mario Party every year anymore. Don't hate me because of this but I am just saying that it would be nice to have had these before more Mario: Pikmin Kirby Starfox F-Zero Luigi's Mansion Donkey Kong adventure Yoshi Wii Its like Nintendo only has Mario and the Wii Named games now. Metroid is also oddly popular with Nintendo this gen. Even Zelda only has 1 game that was ment to be only for G.C when it was announced. So please no more Mario for awhile!