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lestatdark said:
nen-suer said:
marciosmg said:
nen-suer said:
i hate 5-2, i really REALLY hate 5-2

I hate World 5 in general

But my hate for 5-2 is special

After my first playthrough, I did this - Thief´s Ring and Regenerator Ring. Now only walk in the swamp avoiding all enemies.

Just run to the boss. The end.

I hate it too.

I was lost for 2 days in the swamp, with black phantoms in every single corner

Problem is i made the world PB from the get go, thinking i wont have problems just like the other worlds


Dont get me starting on those Giants (specially the Black Phantom ones), they are the strongest thing i encountred

in the entire game (they make 3-2 Boss look like a joke)


In the end i finally found the way and killed Selen (man she is strong...and cheap) + the world is white a gain

White is my new favorite color :)

I see that you found the hell that is 5-2 :P

And doing it while on PB? you have some guts indeed Nen xD

The BP Giant Goblins are the single most powerful normal enemy in the game, even stronger than bosses themselves. A good old dose of Firestorm will kill them in one shot though :P

Good going in tackling Selen, she's a bit cheap because of her Blind sword who does damage through shields, but she's a bit easy, especially if you have swords like the Meat Cleaver or the Dragon Bone Smasher ;)

All in all, after spending much time farming in 5-2, I came to not hate that place, it's a really challenging stage which puts all of your skills to the test, especially blocking and countering skills, since most of the stage you can't dodge at all. 


She can use what ever weapon she like, but she can roll and move freely and i cant + she using the Blind WTF!!!

Plus i dont have all these spells and weapons ur talking about xD

Am still using my trusty Dragon Sword (+5) and Sticky Coumbound Bow (+5)

My strongest magic is Poison Cloud and Fireball


These are my status what do you think

what should i focus on more

VIT 18

INT 18

END 22

STR 22

DEX 22

Magic 11

Faith 20



byw: Now i killed all 5 Black Phantoums, but when i talked to the Monumental he didnt give anything? why ?

plz don't tell me because i killed Satsuke...coze u told me to :(


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