other things" defences. Is no reason why a game cannot have good gameplay as well as..." /> other things" defences. Is no reason why a game cannot have good gameplay as well as..." /> other things" defences. Is no reason why a game cannot have good gameplay as well as..." /> other things" defences. Is no reason why a game cannot have good gameplay as well as..." />
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YEKylieDog said:
I get tired with the "but gameplay > other things" defences. Is no reason why a game cannot have good gameplay as well as great other things.

Yes there is, you just don't CARE about the reason, so you choose to ignore it.

The Wii doesn't have HD graphics because Nintendo wanted to keep the entry price to owning their new console low, from launch.

The games don't havve amazing visuals because the console doesn't support them.

The Wii has shitty voice chat because it has to be safe for children, with some available opinion for inattentive parents to listen in.

The Wii has friend codes to prevent children from interacting with strangers against their parents permission.

The Wii has casual games because it is owned by a ton of casual gamers who like them, and children who would rather play a Spongebob game than Final Fantasy XIII. The core gamers and Nintendo faithful are in the minority.


That said, it is a completely ignorant myth that "the Wii has no good games."

Zack and Wiki

Dead Space Extraction


Muramasa: TDB


Twilight Princess

Metroid Prime Trilogy


Mario Galaxy

Mario Kart

Little King's Story

Punch Out

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Super Paper Mario 3


New Super Mario Brothers Wii

Wii Sports

Wii Sports Resort

Shattered Memories

Rock Band series

Guitar Hero series


Animal Crossing

World of Goo

Virtual Console

Backwards Compatibility with Gamecube


A lot of those games are exclusive. The Wii is a damn fine next generation console, and it has a shitload of great games..

The thing is, we're internet fanboys. We discuss a plethora of games that we will never, nor ever have played, all day, and attempt to compare libraries of consoles to each other in an attempt to ascertain superiority.

The Wii is an easier target, because the nerd elite(entheusiast press, aka entheuastic fans who posted enough on the message forum to learn how to write a decent paper) tend to side with the consoles they play all the time, which are the consoles that let them take advantage of their expensive HDTVs and modern technology.

Truth is, neither HD console is very original, and the only reason they have anything on the Wii, is their graphics, and 3rd party support, which in reality, Nintendo couldn't do anything about to begin with. The HD twins are copies. They are very close too identical graphically, and thus,, ,can be ported to and fro easily. The Wii isn't. It's different, and thus, can't be ported to easily, and it often left out of the loop. That's the price you pay for being different, but not having as good of a library as the Xbox 360 dooesn't mean there are no good games. That's bull. Not that you implied that Kyliedog, but just in case you were thinking it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.