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Raze said:
trestres said:
I've posted this on the other threaad abot this subject, don't know which is the one that's more relevant so I'll repost:

Last year most of the big third party companies "admitted" how wrong they were about ignoring the Wii and commited to quality support. Now a year later after no quality support, they cry because their smelly and poisonous turds didn 't sell and threaten Nintendo they will go away. Just go away and eat your own turds.

We know so far that Sega, Capcom, Ubisoft and EA will focus on the HD consoles from now on.
But we also know that Konami, Namco Bandai, Square Enix and Activision haven't announced anything notable for the Wii since 2008 and most of their big games are heading towards the HD consoles as well as all their recent announcements. Nintendo can say good bye to 3rd party quality support for the Wii from the big companies. Maybe they should try and destroy them by buying them and letting them die or just release countless 1st party games to drown them, as well as help the smaller companies.

Disaster has occured for Nintendo, next gen might be catastrophical for them or for 3rd parties.

I'm not sure I can fully agree with you on this. Konami just put out Silent Hill on the Wii, which is slow out of the gate, but the buzz is building. SE has MH3 coming out in the West in the spring, a large budget title, Activision put out WaW and COD:Reflex. I don't get why you think this is not support?

Sega hasn't really said much of anything, as they are still putting games out for the Wii. Capcom's statement was from non-decision makers, so that leaves Ubisoft and EA as the only ones officially on record. Why are you trying to make it sound like the sky is falling for Nintendo?

If anything, look back to last gen, the lack of 3rd party support was very noticeable on the GameCube, and the companies scrambled back to Nintendo once they saw the Wii was selling like wild. Even if more 3rd parties drop Wii support, what's to say that they won't be flocking back to Nintendo's system next generation?

You sound very pessimistic on the topic, though it seems unwarranted. How many studios have shut down now because of their high budget HD games? The risk is more prevalent there with a lower chance of recovering investment.

What would be interersting is that the talk of going "HD only" might refer to inside knowledge of Nintendo's next system, as it does take 2-3 years to develop a game, implying a game for 2012-2013.

SE is not making or publishing MH3. Capcom is, and the game has already been released in Japan half a year ago. Same with Tatsunoko, the game is more than 1 year old, it's that you think they are putting out games because their localization teams take ages. Capcom is only bringing Sengoku Basara 3 in the future for the Wii, but they are giving the PS3 the superior version of the game with online play and HD graphics. Nothing else from them.
For the HD's they have Dark Void, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition and Super Street Fighter 4.

Konami has put Silent Hill: SM for the Wii recently, but what else do they have coming up? More dance dance revolution? Late entries of their Pro Evolution series? Arcade ports? Walk it out?
Meanwhile they are giving the HD consoles Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Pro Evoution (on time).

Namco Bandai, well, they have nothing coming up for the Wii.
For the HD's they have Dead to Rights: Retribution, Enslaved, Splatterhouse, Clash of the Titans.

Square Enix, well they have DQX coming up for the Wii but besides that they have NOTHING and have announced nothing since 2008, yes it is their biggest game, but they have absolutely nothing else for the Wii, which is strange considering they are giving it their biggest game.
For the HD's they have FFvsXIII, FFXIV, Nier Replicant, Nier Gestalt, Star Ocean 4 International, Front Mission Evolved, Supreme Commander 2, Just Cause 2, Kane & Lynch 2, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Deus Ex 3, Highlander, Arkaham Asylum 2.

EA has NBA Jam coming out for the Wii as an exclusive, but what else? The yearly iterations of their sports games, which are all inferior save for TigerWoods PGA Tour (which they might ditch thanks to his problems).
Meanwhile they will give the HD consoles American McGee Alice II, Dead Space 2, Dante's Inferno, Dragon Age Origins: Awakening, Mass Effect 2, LMNO, Medal of Honour Modern Combat (or whatever), Rage, Skate 3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Crysis 2, EA Sports MMA, and many Sports games exclusive to the HD's.

Sega has Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll coming up for the Wii, and what else? Sonic All star Racing (on the HD's too). Nothing else.
For the HD's they are brining Alien vs. Predator, Alien: Colonial Marines, Alpha Protocol, Resonance of Fate and Armored Core 5.

Activision, besides their multiplatform music and peripheral games like DJ Hero or Tony Hawk's Ride, the only notable game they have coming up for the Wii is CoD 7, which will be inferior to their HD counterparts, like all of the previous CoD have been.
For the HD's on the other hand they have Blur, Gun 2, Singularity, True Crime.

Ubisoft has Red Steel 2 and NMH2 coming up, but after these, what else have they got? Their recent statements make it clear that not much, if anything notable will come out from their studios for the Wii. More Raving Rabbids milking? Just Dance 2? A movie tie in Prince of Persia game?
The HD's will have Splinter Cell, Beyond Good & Evil 2, I Am Alive, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon Predator.

So am I pessimistic or you are denying reality? BTW is that your new account bardicverse?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies