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naznatips said:
Carl2291 said:
naznatips said:
I can't imagine Kratos in any game ever being capable of killing the thing Bayonetta kills at the end of her game, and she does it with brutal class. Sorry, nothing is gonna beat Bayonetta these days. I know that sucks if you only have a PS3, but buy the game anyway...

Saw you playing it on Live about an hour ago or something.

I take it by that comment, you love the game

I'll have the review up in a couple days for both platforms, so hopefully give the PS3 fans an idea of what to expect out of the game and if it's worth their money despite the issues.

Cool. I played the PS3 version... Wasn't as bad as some people are making it out to be.

But then again, i aint compared to the 360 version. Only problem i had really was loading times.