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stof said:
nordlead said:

I think Nintendo took the better road than most other companies. Where is the local multiplayer in Killzone 2, Dirt 2, and hosts of other games that have multiplayer, just not local. Reviewers used your argument to dock points from NSMBWii, but replace online with local and no one gives a crap, but luckily Nintendo does.

Now, lack of online multiplayer is a legitimate complaint, but everyone knew it wouldn't since we first learned of the game. However, sales of this game shows that the "hardcore" forum dwelling video game player is out of touch with reality, in that most people don't care and would much rather play with family/friends in one place, or don't even care about the online component in this game. This game will sell 20-30m units but online would tack on what, maybe a few 100k sales?

I'd say it's quite stupid to leave out local multiplayer. But what's that have to do with anything?

How does the game selling well mean that they shouldn't have put in online? Why does wanting online mean that you can't also want to play with friends and family? why is someone out of touch for wanting a feature that's in the vast majority of games now a days? a feature that people love even in other Nintendo games. People here love Mario Kart multiplayer. And they'd love Mario multiplayer too. But here are some things that would happen If NSMBWii had multiplayer (and it could still come out in time for Christmas); There would be a VG chartz Mario online league, and dozens of people on here would be happily playing the game together. 

I could play with friends that live in other cities. To those that use the "why don't you just play with your friends", I say you're very lucky to live so close to all of your friends. Lots of friends and family would love the chance to play mario together even though they can't always be in the same house. And if you could use Wii speak... That would be fantastic. 

Having online multiplayer doesn't mean that everyone can't ahve the exact same local multiplayer experience. It just means more people can play together and more people can have more fun. Why would anyone argue against more people having more fun?

It does mean that Nintendo can't get the game done in a timely manner and meet their internal goals. It was stated from the start they didn't want to put online in, yet everyone complains. However, we can turn your agument around for any online game, yet I still won't see a big post complaining about it every other minute like the flack this game gets. The people in the real world complain about lack of local, the people online complain about the lack of online. The thing is, Nintendo could have waited til Q1 2010 and released with online, but it wouldn't have gained any sales, and people would have been without a big game for the holidays. I'd rather have Mario with no online than waiting 5 years like fans of GT. Besides, the skirt physics would have easily bumped this game back to Q3 2010.

Also, I guess in the end I just get frustrated that people complain about no online, but they can just replace online with local and vice versa and post their agument for any game missing local, yet they refuse to. If they can't complain about the lack of local, or it doesn't matter, than online also doesn't matter.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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