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jesus kung fu magic said:
tedsteriscool said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
tedsteriscool said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
tedsteriscool said:
Joke thread? MGS4, FF XIII, Mario all say hi.

Did you like FF13 when you played it?

Demos are amazing things.

I know.....tell that to valkyria chronicles

VC demo was actually good, even though it was just a small skirmish battle. It was representative of the final product (on a smaller scale), just as the FF XIII demo is surely. Why are you so biased? I mean, first you call me out on something which I can easily counter, and then you scramble by bashing the VC demo? Just're embarassing yourself.

......are you serious?......

Well are you????...because its really hard to stop myself from tearing you apart with the English language so please tell me you were joking.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!