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So the OP disagreed with the poll and made a thread about it? Why? I disagree with those polls 90% of the time, sometimes they show insane results but I just shrug it off...
The biggest letdowns of this generation, for me, all mostly all from Western developers so my subjective opinion is that the OP is wrong, or at least not right.
This hasn't been a mindblowing gen at all in my view but Japan would still come out on top for me as well and I did vote for it.

PS: "Makes the best games" doesn't rule out that it implies through all time. I have a friend whom you could say makes the highest sounds when he farts. He always has.
Makes can imply something ongoing and doesn't strictly have to be only the present.
Ford makes cars, for instance, does not mean that they recently started, does it?
In fact, we know they didn't.