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Jereel Hunter said:
vlad321 said:
Jereel Hunter said:

How to be a successful developer? Release AAA games? The faulty reasoning is yours. Lets compare that to the NFL. How many starting QBs are there? 32. How many are decent? Half that. How many are good enough that the team wants to keep them for the next few years? Not many. If you want to be a QB in the NFL, you have to be REALLY GOOD. But what you're saying is tantamount to "Tom Brady and Peyton Manning both demonstrate how to be a successful quarterback. Just be the best at what you do over the entire course of your career." That's simply not possible for everyone. Likewise when piracy makes it so much more difficult to succeed, there's only so many who can reasonably compete. (that's why the number of PC developers is dwindling, and every year more and more of the total marketshare is gobbled up by games developed by devs owned by one of the big 3 publishers.

Except that piracy definitely does not affect a success of a developer.As have many developers displayed already.

I shall ask again for statistics. The last one you, or someone else, linked showed that out of all he countries that pirate software overall (that includes Windows, by far the most pirated software) only Russia probably gets games released to retail concurretly and still has a big % of piracy. Again that's software piracy, not game piracy.

Piracy is an ever-present truth, a readily accepted fact. You don't accept statistics when posted, and act like they never were, so I'm not wasting my time. And piracy absolutely effects the success of a developer. It doesn't PREVENT success, but it effects it. Making a little money vs a lot? Losing money vs breaking even? Piracy has an effect, and even if most pirated copies are not lost sales, at least SOME are.


Yes.. an ever present truth. I just told you I accepted those statistics, however I'm also telling you you are unable to read them right, or the statitis you provide do not show what you want them to show. They do show piracy exists, but not to the point you make it out it exists. Also you can pirate on consoles as well, and considering the fact people buy consoles to play, while PCs are ubiquitous nowadays, there's much higher hcance that each pirated copy is a lost sale on a console vs on the PC.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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