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...if you actually played Batman: AA, and Killzone 2, and still think Killzone 2 is better....then you're just a different gamer than I am. Killzone 2 was a redundant above average FPS with great graphics, and it certainly wasn't anywhere near the quality of any of the games listed by most other posters in this thread.

To a lesser extent, this is also true for Infamous, but I can at least see the argument for that one. You much be shitting me with Killzone 2, though. If it didn't have a SP campaign, then maybe, or if I could forget about that part of the game...

My PS3 GotY candidates are:

Uncharted 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Demon Souls
Modern Warfare 2

Batman: AA is one of the best games this generation, it's one of the best games on the PS3, and it fully deserves the recognition it has received. If Killzone 2 didn't have the graphics, or if Infamous had been multiplat, and they made this list, you guys would flame the shit out of them. Batman, at the very least, doesn't deserve to have the shit kicked out of it because some people want to promote PS3 exclusives as the best games on the console. It isn't on that list because it's mainstream or popular, it's on that list because it's fantastic, and most people who've played it will tell you as much.

That said, Uncharted 2 was better, though less substantive, than any game on that list, and it will obviously win, so why do you care who the nominees are?

Admission: I haven't played AC2 enough yet, to review it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.