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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Torillian said:
Game of the Year should be the game that's the best that year, not some silly notion of what games will be regarded as great in the future.

You've just decided that NSMBWii will be regarded as a classic, you bring no proof to the table only basing it off what you feel.

  The best game of the year is the one that people will continue to play the longest, and we know its longevity from a few facts, first how much of the expanded audience can get into the game, second replayability, and third pedigree and fourth fun.  On all four we can see that NSMB Wii will have the greater longevity as a game.  You're not going to see many from the expanded audience play Uncharted 2, but a bunch of people who are part of the expanded got into NSMB Wii, even my mom loved it, the game has tons of replayability thanks to the multiplayer, 2D Mario Platformers tend to have very long longevity.

So even if U2 is better right now, you want to base it off of how it'll be viewed later?  If you want to do a "Most likely game to be a classic" like it's a video game year book feel free.  But it isn't how GotY should be decided.
