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Faxanadu said:
Tetsuo Shima said:
I'm a bad guy. I've been dating with cheating girls/woman many times and it makes me sick. It's just unbelivable how person involved in a few-year long relationship can laugh out of her partner and lie so easily. I'm 16 yo and I've already had more girls/women than half of this forum combined.
Don't be a nice guy. It's not working the way you think.

uhoh, the cool cat is here. this is not about: im cool, i f&ck anything that has a heartbeat. wanna compare di&%s?  

LMFAO @ Faxanadu!!!

@Tetsuo Shima, you think you're really cool, stuck in the belief that half this forum are nerds that have never seen past a hentai website? Grow up, your little 16 year old Cheeto hasn't seen past half the 21 year old+'s that frequent this site.