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Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going?  Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )