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After reading the recent threads/news etc about the man who had been cheated on by his wife I thought I'd start a thread for those who have felt this kind of pain to share eachothers woes (however I'm doubting anyone here has been hurt in this manner)

Well me, I'm completely over it now but 2 years ago I had a girlfriend of 2 1/2 years, we lived together in NSW, I visited my family in QLD for this one week, I was cheated on in this time, I discovered this because somehow my dumb-ass girlfriend gave the male she had sexual affairs with my mobile number instead of her own, so yes I just followed up a bizzare voice mail I recieved on my mobile phone, and bam there ya had it! Slut.

The amount of pain that comes from something like this is not possible to explain, she was my everything, we even lost our virginities to eachother.

It took me finding another partner to fully get over it, but now I have major trust issues which has damaged all my relationships thereafter.

Anyone got stories?