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This will be a real test of the price drop then to see if the ps3 can buck the trend.

I'd have to say Wii numbers are dependent on shipments, and hype by media, create the image of another shortage, and sales could sky rocket 1.4+

The 360 will not get as much of a benifit as it did last year with out of stock ps3, and wiis, but with a strong line up and new pack ins, and store specials these last few weeks could push it up with the historical 2.X multi.

The PS3 need its ad campaign to get the message out and fast, it also needs to appear a better value than the 360 so in store pushes will be crucial. it needs employee support spouting its virtues, the normal consumer during this season is not going to know which one is a better choice for them and is open to suggestion. so it could pull easily above its numbers or under perform,

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog