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Maybe you people should listen to us Europeans, Just Ben told that he couldn't one when he wanted, i could but had to look for it (which isn't normal for a just released game). I've been reading from people in the internet, that it's been sold out in many (most?) places in Finland. The Finnish imported told before SMG release, that they will not be able to stock retailers enough, (and the same thing will occur with RE:UC). Also NOE said it will be sold out. You know people, Nintendo won't divert extra (larger than usual) stock to UK from other countries, just to make something less supply constrained in UK and more in other countries. UK is a little more than 10% percent of EU population, and the game is released in Europe also outside EU. I don't think Nintendo want's to screw 500M people just to make 60M happy. Similar preordering culture with NA or Japan, doesn't exist in Europe. The way people shop around here, is that after you leave work, you go to a store and if the product you want isn't there, you shop it later. People don't go looking for it around town. Saturday is more of a day for shopping, but since people go to a pub (in UK) to drink Guinness (with exception of the Irish, who go to a pub to fight and drink Guinness). So saturday you have hangover (and sunday, sometimes even monday), sales divert differently along the week compared to US or Japan. Sales will go up as soon as Nintendo will be able to stock more software.

loadedstatement said:
But I can always get any game I want whenever I want.

So can i. With the exeption of SMG (which i got, but had to look for it).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.