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selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
Am I the only one that sees these sales as good but not great for Sony?

They have just had a HUGE pricecut, and a complete redesign of the machine. The SLIM. And yet the 360 sits very close. OK we know Walmart had deals, and COD 4 pack. But seriously? How in the world is Sony going to contend with Natal launch?!

I seriously expect ( and cant see how anyone can say different with this much media hype ) that Natal will see 360 around if not better than Wii's current numbers next year, and regularly every week. This almost cements Sony in last for the generation by ( total guess ) 20 million +?

Natal is gonna at least triple sales of the 360's current numbers this same time next year. With as much advertising and funding as a new launch console it will be MASSIVE. For Sony to not have come last this gen we needed to see Wii numbers now after the major changes they made. Ther is little else but further price drops for Sony.

As always...


Well Feylic ( MR stealth troll ) may well put it in his sig yet. He likes to feel mighty on the net and make others ( or attempt ) feel inferior. At least not everyone takes the net 'THAT' seriously.

Well i haven't seen a prediction you made come true as of yet...

And i will link him to your post now

Ive made very few predictions. Many have split hairs over my MGS one. I was closer than almost everyone here with that. LOL. And my numbers that were in mysig were within 10,000 for each console so, I think I'm pretty good. Even game releases I have gotten right, apart from FM3 release week. So I guess you are basing it on the MGS4 one.

You were closer than most people? Most people said MGS4 wouldn't be announced for 360... And it wasn't. So how the hell were you closer than almost everyone?

And im basing it off a bunch of predictions ive seen you make. Mostly on FM3. Like the one where you said you expect it to get a 97/98 meta rating. Or the one where you said it will propel it to be above PS3 in Europe/Others for the rest of the year.

There is a bunch of different ones you made, that are all entirely filled with fail. People are starting to not take you seriously anymore.