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nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
To clarify, I am not saying that the petition is filled with pirates signatures. I was not defending that remark by whoever I quoted. I know very well why people who only get games like this on PC are upset. It's basically a console port with mouse + keyboard support, completely taking out everything that made it unique on PC. I understand all that and that's the reason why I will only be getting it on 360 now rather than on both. I was merely adding to the whole "most PC gamers are pirates" generalization since in my experience as well, it sure seems this way.

That's funny cause statistics who that your experience maybe just that, your experience.

Nah, I think it's the experience of most people, actually, or if not the majority, then at least 1/3 or higher and it will soon be the majority..  Especially when recent PC developers have said that their game's online component is being played by 80% pirates....

Someone already provided the link to show that pirates aren't as much as buyers, can you provide me with actual statistics to show otherwise?

That was just a list of 2008 only.... CoD4 released in 2007.... DemiGod had 80% piracy.  CoD4 had 830,000 downloads in the year after its release... I wonder with the frontloaded holidays if it had 3x that amount in 2007.  No one has shown me any 2007 stats yet.  With CoD4 on PC only having an estimated 1-3 million retail sales, it makes sense that a large portion (of at least one third for most games and much higher for others, which will only keep growing) of the people playing the actual game are pirates.  Why else would IW not release any info on the PC only sales, and then with the next game iteration they only develop a console version?

I also wonder how much CoD4 sold in that  same period as well as how many of those downloads were from places where getting the game legally is also next to impossible (lack of publisher, few retail stores, etc.).

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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