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Gnizmo said:
They said the online community sucks I thought? I agree with them in principle. I would disagree if they said any online community didn't suck though.

God it has been so long I really can't remember. I know one of the was behind the virus comment. Other than that I recall vague snubbing comments about them not being real gamers, and how they will ruin the industry etc etc. Standard fare from a couple years ago. It has been awhile, and apparently Epic has gone back on it with that Mickey Mouse game coming and all.

Lol, Epic Mickey

Yes, they said the online community sucks. Which basically means that the people playing online suck. They're no worse than people in any other online community. I suppose that's as close to insulting the userbase as anyone's ever gotten.

Turn 10 gets a fair bit of hate, but they are owned by Microsoft, and all they do is claim their game is better than every other game ever made, they don't insult the consoles themselves. They're kind of irritating.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective