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Gnizmo said:
Kantor said:

I have nothing against PC elitists, only Sony haters.

If they hate everything equally, they're doing nothing wrong. Case in point: Yahtzee.

They aren't PC elitists either. The fact that you cannot even figure out what I am referencing shows exactly why you care. It has nothing to do with them not hating equally, and everything to do with them hating the PS3. If Valve had snubbed the 360 instead of the PS3 many people in this very thread would be cheering for them.

You were referring to Blizzard, right? They are certainly PC elitists. At least, they have been for 15 years or so.

If you were referring to IW or id, I'm not aware of them attacking any console, and if they did, it didn't affect their developing for said console. Epic certainly didn't bash the 360 (maybe the PS3? I'm not sure), and they have a good reason for making a 360 exclusive.

If Valve had snubbed the 360, you would see the same reaction from 360 owners. And PS3 owners wouldn't exactly be "cheering for them", but they would be pointing out that Valve are, in fact, excellent developers and they can do what they want.

Are you trying to prove that PS3 owners dislike Valve not because of their philosophy, but because they don't make PS3 games? If so, I think we realised that a long time ago. People are hypocrites, and you really ought to have figured that out by now.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective