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Gnizmo said:
Kantor said:

What did Infinity Ward say against the PS3? Besides which, all of their current gen games are on PS3.

All of id's current gen projects are also on PS3, except Quake Live. Which is PC exclusive.

As for Epic, they did make UT3 on PS3, which was pretty good. And they do have a very good reason for making Gears 360 exclusive: Microsoft owns it. Microsoft does not own any of Valve's series.

As I've said before, Valve can do what they want. However, the "too difficult to program for" excuse is bull.

If a small, average studio like Rocksteady can make a (fantastic) PS360 game identical on both platforms, why can't a massive developer like Valve, known for all of its quality games and series over the years, make a game on PS3 at all?

So it is only bad if a developer insults one specific system? How telling.

I have nothing against PC elitists, only Sony haters.

If they hate everything equally, they're doing nothing wrong. Case in point: Yahtzee.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective