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loves2splooge said:
De85 said:
DirtyP2002 said:

What kind of bundle are you getting? I would recommend PURE, it is such a fun arcade racer. I had a REALLY great time with it. Other than that, get like $50 in MS points and go shopping on XBLA.

I highly recommend:

  • Geometry Wars 2 (put your music on the HDD and enjoy the game. Soooo addictive and so much fun)
  • Splosion Man - CLASSIC 2D plattformer and one of the best.
  • Braid
  • Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition - Best adventure ever

and you have to try:

  • Castle Crashers
  • Trials HD
  • Shadow Complex
  • and a bunch of classic games.

a lot of people are loving those titles.

I endorse this post 110%!

loves2splooge said:
Castle Crashers and Braid are coming to PSN with extras I think so you could wait for those. Castle Crashers is really fun.

As for Lost Odyssey load times, they weren't much of a problem for me after installing to the hard drive (installing 4 discs is gonna take up a crapload of space though. lol).

Why wait for an unannounced release date when you can play them today on XBLA?  Also, I'd like a link to where it was announced they'd come with extras.

Castle Crashers and Braid were already announced for the PSN awhile ago. No date but the ports are confirmed. And it's Sony's policy that you have to include exclusive content when you do a late port to the PS3. It's similar to how last gen the Xbox was getting a bunch of PS2 ports with extras.

Yeah for retail releases. I haven't heard anything about downloadable games.