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When I first ever heard about Rock Band I actually thought this game was *Built* for the Wii.

Boy was I wrong, what a bunch of idiots I thought to myself.

But, after reading this from Harmonix themselves (old);

Absolutely, we will at some time bring Rock Band to every console of significance and in doing so we will customize and tailor the play experience to take into account the weakness of the console and the strengths of the consoles," he said. "I think (the Wii) is something that holds enormous potential for music games

After the sales of GH III being as good as they were on the Wii (Leaving PS2 and PS3 in the dust) it would only make sense for Harmonix to cash in on Rock Band for the Wii, the use of the Wii remote would be amazing and would be sure to attact a lot of interest.

I don't know why Harmonix left out the Wii in the first place but I'm sure someone can fill me in.
