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Good, art games are overated. I played Okami, which is one of the more artistic games out there and it was also one of the more boring of games I've bought so far. The quicker this "art" notion dies and the faster the "fun" notion comes back to gaming the better.

You are quite wrong about Nintendo though. Nintendo is heading in the right direction and opening doors to more developers than any of the other platforms do, however, very few devs are taking advantage of it. We see games like Madworld, Little King's Story, Muramasa, and others which never would have been produced on the HD consoles due to the excessive costs but they are available to buy on the Wii. They haven't sold millions, but most the devs are happy with the sales (too lazy to find links). Only Sven from Capcom has been disappointed with Wii sales, but only after corporate confirms they are happy with them. You can't blame Nintendo for everyone else failure to produce "arty" games. Nintendo has never really produced "arty" games, they produce "fun" games for everyone. Nintendo is like the Pixar of video games. Great games that are good for kids, but everyone can enjoy them.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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